University of Oregon

Sandy Beaches – Second Grade

Photo Credit: Trish Mace

Photo Credit: Trish Mace

Explore sandy beaches and dunes: observe and question, predict and test, classify and categorize, explore and imagine! Learn about tides and waves, and how beaches form and change. Explore how sand is made and where it comes from, and then examine different sand and learn how the materials, colors, grain sizes and grain shapes tell the story of the beach. Learn about animals that live on and in the sand, and about shells and who makes them. Study beach hoppers, hermit crabs, shorebirds, seals and sea lions. Where do people fit in? Learn about threats to our beaches and how we can care for these amazing places.

MARE lessons (Teacher’s Guide to the Sandy Beach and GEMS/MARE On Sandy Shores)

Beach Bucket Scavenger Hunt      Shell Sorting
Making Sand                                Build a Sandy Beach
Sand on Stage                               Chain of Life
The Sights Sand Has Seen             Oil on the Beach
Pinnipeds – Ears to You



Tides, PPT

Animals that Make Shells

Hermit Crab Biology

Hermit Crab Experiments*
*first publication occurred in Science Activities, Classroom Projects and Curriculum Ideas, 46(3)

Beach Hopper Biology and Jumping Experiments

Jellies and other Cnidarians, PPT

Insterstitial Meiofauna, PPT

Shorebirds, Beaks and Feet

Marine Debris

Algal Wrack, PPT

Sand Dunes

Field Inquiry: Beach Hoppers

Beach Hopper Bonanza

Unit Summary

Beach Hopper Diagram

Field Journal

Jump Worksheet

NSFThis material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Nos. 0338153 and 0638731. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.